Deutsch-Chinesische Enzyklopädie, 德汉百科

German — Chinese
Military, defense and equipment *Historical military aircraft

§Anti-submarine missile§Anti-tank missile§Anti Radar Missile/Anti Radiation Missile§Anti satellite missile§Anti-aircraft missile§Glide bomb§Intercontinental ballistic missile§Short-range missile§Air-to-Surface Missile§Air-to-Air Missile§Cruise missile§Medium range missile§Gun-launched missiles§Anti-ship missile§Long-range ballistic missile***Military intelligence***Military journal*Steam frigate*Historical aircraft carriers*Historical cruisers*Historical military aircraft*Historical tanks*Historical battleships*Historical trainer aircraft*Historical sea reconnaissance aircraft*Historical Destroyers*Wars and battles*Ship of the line*Military academy*Strategy|EventsAmphibious command shipAmphibious Transport DockAmphibious aircraftNuclear submarineNuclear WeaponBallistic Missile Defense SystemFamous aerobatic teamEMALS|AAGDirected-energy weaponFirearmAircraft propulsionAircraft carrierFrigate/CorvetteSpeed of the shipGlass CockpitHospital shipIdentification Friend or Foe,IFFInfrared targeting systemIT troopCombat helicopterCombat systemCavalryCruiserLittoral Combat ShipLogistic transportAerial refuelingHovercraft DropshipMan Portable Air Defense SystemMilitary vehicleMilitary aircraftMilitary maneuvers and military competitionAmmunitionNight combat equipmentNavigation Satellite SystemTankRadarRocket launcherShip propulsionShip artilleryMaritime Reconnaissance AircraftSea mineSelf-propelled artillerySonarSporting weaponsStrategic bomberTacticsDecoy systemTorpedoTransport planeSubmarine Unmanned aircraftOffshore supply vesselVertical Launching SystemWater bombDestroyer
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兰卡斯特轰炸机 MK I
United Kingdom 1941 - 1946
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兰卡斯特轰炸机 MK VII
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兰卡斯特轰炸机 MK X
United Kingdom 1941 - 1946
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B-50超级堡垒战略轰炸机Boeing B-50 Superfortress)是波音B-29超级堡垒轰炸机二战后改进版本,装配有更强大的普拉特&惠特尼R-4360型发动机,同时加固了结构,配有更高的散热片。这是波音公司美国空军设计最后的活塞引擎轰炸机。B-50在美国空军服役近20年。

空军战略司令部服役结束后,B-50的机身被改装为战术空军司令部的空中加油机(KB-50)和航空气象局的气象侦察机(WB-50)。由于1964年10月14日KB-50J 48-065因金属疲劳和腐蚀导致坠毁,运油和飓风追踪者的改装版本均在1965年3月退役。

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United States 1943 - 1946

B-29超级堡垒轰炸机B-29 Super fortress),亦称B-29超级空中堡垒,是美国波音公司设计生产的四发动机重型螺旋桨轰炸机。主要在美军内服役的B-29,是美国陆军航空军第二次世界大战以及朝鲜战争亚洲战场的主力战略轰炸机,其命名延续先前有名的B-17飞行堡垒


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United States 1936 - 1945
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康威尔 B-58 Hustler
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